This video is a brief reflection on the second section of Psalm 119. Enjoy!
This video begins a new series on Psalm 119 by offering a brief introduction to this epic ode to God’s Word. Enjoy!
This video is a brief (!) reflection on Psalm 123. Enjoy!
This is a brief video devotion that reflects on 1 Timothy 4:6-16. Enjoy!
This video concludes our series on the wonderful hymn Christ is the World’s Redeemer. Enjoy!
Today we consider verse three of the wonderful hymn Christ is the World’s Redeemer. Enjoy!
In this video we continue our series on the hymn “Christ is the World’s Redeemer” here we consider verse 2. Enjoy!
This week we continue our series on the hymn Christ is the World’s Redeemer by considering the first verse. Enjoy!
With this video we begin a series on the hymn “Christ is the World’s Redeemer” (LSB 539). This installment of the series gives some background information on the hymns author and translator. Enjoy!
Pastor Matheny offers a brief reflection on his second covid dose and Psalm 1. Enjoy!
Pastor Matheny offers a few thoughts on the first part of Martin Luther’s explanation of the Lord’s Supper in the Small Catechism. Enjoy!
Pastor Matheny reflects briefly on Joshua 20:1-6 and the refuge that God provides for His people both then and now. Enjoy!
Some brief musings motivated by Colossians 3:12-17. Enjoy!
A brief reflection on John 17:6-11. Enjoy!
A reading of Psalm 31. Enjoy!
A brief pre-Palm Sunday reflection on Psalm 24. Enjoy!
A brief reflection on Jesus’ trial before Pilate in John 18. Enjoy!
A brief reflection on Ephesians 2:8-10. Enjoy!
A brief reflection on our attitude towards telling (and hearing!) the good news about Jesus based on Acts 8:26-40. Enjoy!
Pastor Matheny reflects on a few of the reasons we do the imposition of ashes on Ash Wednesday. Enjoy!
Pastor Matheny reflects on the upcoming celebration of Christ’s transfiguration and a section from Martin Luther’s Large Catechism on the importance of God’s Word in the life of Christians. Enjoy!
Pastor Matheny reflects on prayer and why it can be so difficult, based on a comment in Martin Luther’s Genesis commentary. Enjoy!
Pastor Matheny offers a brief reflection on 26:24-29. Enjoy!
Pastor Matheny offers a brief reflection on the hymn “O Christ, Our True and Only Light” (LSB 839) Enjoy!
A brief devotion on Acts 1:6-9 and a rather disappointing snow storm. Enjoy!
A meditation on a line from Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing and 1 Peter 1:5. Enjoy!
A brief New Year reflection on the 8th day. Enjoy!