We live to make Christ known.

Organ and A/V Project Update

In the February VOICE we reported that our fund raising for the Organ and Audio/Visual upgrade projects was about $21,000 from our goal of $200,200. Wow! That alone was tremendous news. But in response to last month’s update in the VOICE we have received a generous donation of $21,000 which means that we have COMPLETED our fundraising and now have, on hand, all the funds necessary to make payments each month until the work is completed.  

At this time, the new audio system has been installed at a cost of about $15,000. This has eliminated the troubles we were having and has greatly improved the clarity of voices. The video system has also been updated, costing about $25,000, and provides high definition, digital recordings for broadcast on Mankato cable TV public access channels. Video and sound clarity for those who watch on local cable and online (accessktv.org) and reliability of the equipment are all greatly improved. Watch our website for pictures of our organ being worked on in the builder’s shop (oslcmankato.org).  

Meanwhile, the organ work continues at the shop of Grandell & Engen in Maple Grove. Pipes have been washed in an acid bath and are now being “revoiced.”  New keyboards and “stops” (which select the various sounds) are installed in the upgraded console.  Updates are posted regularly on the organ builder’s Facebook page “Grandall and Engen.”