We live to make Christ known.

New Bible Studies

There are a couple of new Bible study opportunities for you to take advantage of. First, there is an additional adult class Sunday mornings between services on the book of Acts led by Deaconess Lisa Brand. Come hear the boldness of those speaking the gospel in a difficult time. We’re meeting in Room 124 which is in the hallway past the library. Pastor Matheny’s class on Romans continues in the Fellowship Hall.

Second, come learn how to “Speak the Truth in Love”. Our God is a God of truth, and our God is a God of love. Sometimes our society sends the message that loving means not speaking, but that isn’t always the case. How do we know when to speak up and how to do so well? Join us as we discuss this book Wednesdays at 5:15pm in the chapel.

And an added bonus! Wednesday Night Meals are served each week, so if you come to the “Speaking the Truth” study, stay for a meal at 6pm with prayer and devotions following. And if you don’t participate in the study, please join us anyway, everyone is welcome!