Sunday School

No matter what your age, there is always more to learn. Between services on Sunday morning we have an education hour. Three year olds through first grade meet on the main floor for opening and then head to classes. Second grade through 5th grader start in their classrooms and end with music in the chapel. The 6th-8th graders can head to their room downstairs. Classes begin at 9:15am and finish at 10:15am. The nursery is also available. Read More!
Summer Sunday School
Learning doesn’t need to stop in the summer. Enjoy an interactive, intergenerational learning environment from 9:15-10:15am. Bring along your friends. All ages are welcome including grandparents! We’ll be learning about God’s love poured through water themed stories.
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Vacation Bible School is one of the highlights of the year. We come together for three nights in the summer for evenings full of friends, learning, and fun. Learn More or Register!