As you are aware if you have been worshiping with us in person, our hymnals have not been available for use due to concerns over the spread of the COVID virus. The Lutheran Service Book (our hymnal) is a fantastic resource, and many have been anxious for its return. We have good news! The Board of Elders has decided to bring the hymnals back to worship, but in a limited manner that allows for continued safe worship. The hymnals will be on a rack next to the bulletins in the narthex. Feel free to grab one if you would like – just please return them to the rack at the end of service. They will be allowed to sit for a week before reusing them. We will also continue to print the hymns in the bulletin for the foreseeable future for those who would rather not use a hymnal and for those who are worshiping with us virtually.
But there’s more! We would like to encourage the use of hymnals not only in church, but at home as well. In addition to hymns, the Lutheran Service Book includes orders of service, lectionaries (the scheduled Bible lessons for each week), Luther’s Small Catechism, and more. To encourage its use, we are offering you to take a hymnal for your personal use. Take it home with you and bring it back to worship each week. Get to know it, mark it up, use it at home.
We hope to soon return the hymnals to the pews, but in the meantime we hope these changes deepen your worship and devotional times!