We live to make Christ known.

Church Picnic Sunday

This Sunday is the annual Church Picnic! Plan to stay for some fun and fellowship at around 11:30 following the 10:30am service. We’ll be serving up chicken and setting up games across the street. Just bring yourself!

Blue Ribbon Bible Club is Back!

Opening Night at the Blue Ribbon Bible Club is this Wednesday at 6:00pm. Kids and adults are invited to come together for an interactive learning environment. Bring your kids or the neighbor kids or just come yourself as we do a favorite story, Zacchaeus. There’ll be music, skit, craft, snack, and more!

Book Club

We had such a great time with the inaugural book club, that we have scheduled the next series. We will be meeting weekly on Sundays from 4:30-6:00pm beginning June 11. The book is The Hammer of God by Bo Giertz, which is available at Amazon in various formats (or from your local bookseller). Everyone is welcome to…

Spring Backpacking Trip

We had a great backpacking trip last weekend. Everyone enjoyed a time of fellowship, conversation, and hiking. Highlights of the trip included wildlife including Scarlet Tanagers, a backcountry campsite with a babbling brook, not getting rained on, and evening campfires. Watch for other recreational opportunities to come!

Sundaes on Sunday

Families are invited to eat a sundae this Sunday. On the last day of Sunday School, May 21, please come to the Fireplace Room to join your kids for fellowship time beginning at 9:55am. This is a great chance to meet other parents, hang out with your kids, and, of course, eat ice cream! There…

Music Sunday

Music is an important part of worship at Our Saviors. Last Sunday our children and youth musical groups assisted with worship. This Sunday our worship service will include additional music from our various adult musical groups. In addition to our typical worship music, listen for several voice choirs, handbells, and brass as we worship our…

Sunday Morning Adult Bible Study

For the months of May, June, and July, our pastors will present one adult Bible Class on Sunday mornings from 9:15-10:15 in the fellowship hall. Everyone is welcome! The topic for this study is a comprehensive presentation of the Christian faith from a Lutheran perspective. Completion of this course can lead to membership for those not…

Give Blood!

Give blood! Our Savior’s is hosting an American Red Cross Blood Drive on Friday, May 19 from noon – 5pm. Sign up now on-line, http://www.redcross.org/give-blood, or watch for a sign-up table this Sunday and next Sunday.

Tuesday Afternoon Bible Study

Keeping an eternal perspective in a superficial world can be a challenging prospect. As we study the Gospel according to Matthew, we’ll see how Jesus did just that. Even if the disciples or the religious leaders get sidetracked, Jesus stays the course. We’ll begin our study Tuesday, April 25 at 1:00pm. If you’re available at…

Easter Breakfast

The Youth Group invites you to breakfast on Easter Sunday, served from 6:45 until 10am. Come enjoy great food and fellowship before or after celebrating Jesus’ resurrection. A free will offering will be taken to support future youth events. Hope to see you there!

Lenten & Holy Week Worship Schedule

We invite you to join us for worship during the upcoming Holy Week. Worship times are as follows: Palm Sunday, April 9th, 8:00 and 10:30 a.m. (Rite of Confirmation during the 10:30 service) Maundy Thursday Worship with Holy Communion Thursday, April 13th at 1:30 and 6:30 p.m. Good Friday Tenebrae Worship Friday, April 14th at…

Luther Movie – Additional Showings

Based on the positive response of the first showing, two more screenings of the movie “Martin Luther: The Idea That Changed The World” have been scheduled. The next showings will be  on Monday, April 24th at 2:00 p.m. and 6:30 p.m. at the Carmike Stadium Cinema 6 theater in Mankato. Tickets are $10 each (after…

Spring Backpacking Trip

Spring is coming, and so is the annual spring backpacking trip! Are you looking for adventure, a chance to get to know others from church, and to get out in God’s great creation? The trip is planned for May 18-20 (leaving early on Thursday and returning Saturday evening). Some camping experience is helpful, but no…

Easter Garden

Help the youth beautify the sanctuary Easter morning with the Annual Easter Garden! Flowers available for sale are:  Easter Lily, Cyclamen, Gerber Daisy, Tulip, Daffodil. See the table in the narthex for the order form. You may drop your order form and payment in the locked box, or bring to the church office during office…

Additional Luther Movie Details

We have some more details about the upcoming screenings for Martin Luther: The Idea that Changed the World. This new film follows the great adventure story of Luther’s life, packed with political intrigue, kidnappings, secret hideouts, and life-or-death showdowns. This is a must-see dramatic documentary for any Lutheran, but the only place you can see the…

New Cancer Companions Group

A new Cancer Companions group is starting Thursday, February 9th at 10am in the Library, meeting each Thursday through April 6th. Anyone affected by cancer is welcome to join us: If you are in treatment now, if you are a survivor, or if you are or have been a caregiver, all are welcome. Each week we…

Women’s Retreat

It may not be warm enough yet to bask outdoors in the sun, but we welcome you to enjoy the warmth of God’s love and fellowship with sisters in Christ at the upcoming Women’s Retreat, February 25, 9:00am-2:00pm. We’ll be “Basking in the Love of the Son” as we hear God’s mercy shared with women…

Family Fun Night

We had a great time last night eating, crafting, playing games, throwing paper airplanes, and generally having fun! Thank you to everyone who participated, and especially those who helped make it happen. We look forward to seeing you at the next family event!

Blue Ribbon Bible Club - Jesus Heals the Centurion's Servant

Family Night

Join us this Friday evening from 6:00-7:30pm for a family night full of crafts, games, food, and friends. No need to cook supper—come for a yummy baked potato bar. We’ll be sharing God’s love by making Valentine’s for some of our Senior members. Everyone is welcome!

Martin Luther: The Idea that Changed the World

The LCMS congregations of the Mankato Circuit are excited to invite you to a special screening of the movie Martin Luther: The Idea that Changed the World. 2017 Marks the 500th anniversary of the start of the Lutheran Reformation which has shaped the lives of thousands in the Mankato area. This is a great opportunity…

Weekend Activities

We have a few exciting special events at Our Savior’s this weekend!   On Saturday join us from noon to 4pm in the Fireplace Room for an afternoon of scrapbooking and card making . Bring your craft supplies, current projects, a friend, and a snack to share.   On Sunday following the annual congregational meeting…

Hey Crafters!

Do you like paper crafting? Come join us in the Fireplace Room on Saturday, January 28th. We’ll be scrapbooking and card making from noon to 4pm. Bring your craft supplies, current projects, a friend, and a snack to share. This is a great chance to unwind and get creative while hanging out with some great…

Education Hour

After a brief break for Christmas and New Years, education hour is back in full swing this Sunday from 9:15 to 10:15. Sunday school will be meeting in their usual classrooms, and adult Bible study meets as well. If you have not been attending, now is a great time to jump in. Don’t forget to…

Christmas Service Schedule

We invite you to join us this weekend to celebrate the birth of our Savior. Services are at the following times: Christmas Eve, Saturday, December 24th: Service of Christmas Lessons and Carols 5 & 7 p.m. Christmas Candlelight Service with Holy Communion 10 p.m. Traditional Christmas Day Worship with Holy Communion Sunday, December 25th at 9…

Children’s Christmas Program

The kids did a great job this past Saturday sharing the story of Christmas. The theme this year surrounded the Old Testament concept of the jubilee year as it describes Christ’s coming. If you missed the program, it will be broadcast on area public access channels Tuesday night at 9:30 pm. It will also be available…

Children’s Christmas Program Rehearsal

Due to anticipated weather conditions we will not have rehearsal for the Children’s Christmas Service on Saturday morning. We are still planning to have the service Saturday evening at 4:30 pm. Please use your own judgement when deciding if you will come. If you do, bundle up, drive safe, and plan to have your children…

Children’s Christmas Program

We are looking forward to the Children’s Christmas Program this year, which will be Saturday, December 17th at 4:30 pm. The theme of the program is Christmas Jubilee, and there will be a musical prelude by the kids starting at 4pm. Practice will be held the next two Saturdays from 10 – 11:30 am. We…

Advent Worship

During Advent we remember that God promised to rescue his people from death and we also anticipate that Jesus is coming again. Please join us for Advent Worship on Wednesdays at 1:30 pm and 6:30 pm. An informal coffee/fellowship hour follows the afternoon service and supper is served from 5:00 to 6:15 pm before the evening service.

100 Fall Festival Pictures

Last Friday was our annual Fall Festival, held the last Friday in October. There were lots of activities for kids, including crafts, games, pizza, trunk-or-treat, and a photo booth. Watch this short video to see some of the costumes and characters we enjoyed having at our fall festival this year! As you can see, some adults…

Fall Cleanup on Saturday

While it doesn’t feel like November, the leaves have fallen, and that means it is time for the great fall cleanup! Please come help clean up around the church this Saturday at 3:30. After working, we enjoy supper together and have s’mores around a bonfire. Bring rakes and gloves if you have them, otherwise just come ready…

Fall Festival – tomorrow!

Please join us tomorrow night beginning at 6pm for our annual Fall Festival! There will pizza, games, crafts, and we will top off the evening with the ever-popular trunk or treating. It is always a fun night for all ages. Costumes are encouraged, and friends are always welcome!

Operation Christmas Child Packing Party

We invite you to join us at 11:30am on November 13th to pack the supplies that were donated for our fall Sunday School mission project. We will start with lunch and then pack shoeboxes to send around the world to those in need. This is a fun opportunity to do a hands-on mission project with…

Fall Cleanup

Do you smell that special “fall smell” in the air? See the leaves changing and beginning to drop? That means it is time for the great fall cleanup! It is the time of year that we get a group of volunteers together for a few hours to rake leaves, trim bushes, and do general cleanup…

Fall Festival – save the date!

The annual Fall Festival is scheduled for Friday October 28 at 6:00 pm. Join us for pizza, games, crafts, and trunk or treating. It is always a fun night for all ages. Costumes are encouraged, and friends are always welcome! If you can help run a station or provide a trunk, contact Lisa Brand.

National Youth Gathering Presentation

Our youth who attended the National Youth Gathering in New Orleans this summer will be giving a presentation about their trip. Come learn about their experiences and how it has impacted their lives this Sunday during education hour (9:30am) in the fellowship hall. Grab some breakfast and a cup of coffee beforehand and join to…

Sunday Morning Breakfast

We know Sunday mornings can be a little bit hectic, and are here to help out. Join us each Sunday at 8:45am in the Fireplace Room for a quick breakfast before Sunday school, youth group, and adult Bible class. The menu changes weekly, and includes everything from scrambled eggs and sausage, to pancakes, to muffins.…

Calling All Musicians!

Has God given you the gift of music? If so, we have many opportunities for you to use those gifts at Our Saviors. In addition to the adult vocal and handbell choirs, we incorporate both soloists and small group ensembles in our worship services. If you have talents in singing or any musical instrument, Marcia,…

Wednesday Night Meals and Devotions

If you have missed the last few Wednesday night meals and devotions, you have missed a great time! Everyone is welcome to join our church family for a meal together and devotions beginning at 6pm each Wednesday. We hope you can join us!

Education Sunday is *this* Sunday!

Education is this Sunday, September 11th! We invite everyone to join us in the Sanctuary at 9:15am. We have some exciting new things to mention like the toddler and parent room. After the opening Pastor Matheny will meet with the high school students, Deaconess Lisa will lead the Jr High class, and Pastor Lauer will start…

Looking to get into God’s Word?

Our Saviors offer a variety of Bible studies designed to fit into your schedule. For example, the Early Bird Bible Study meets on Monday mornings from 6:15-7:15, and respects that time so you can still get to work on time. We will be beginning a new study on September 12th, which will take an in depth…

School is Almost Here!

It is just a few short weeks until school starts again, and along with that comes the start of a new music and education season at Our Saviors! This year we have some exciting new plans, so be watching for more details to come. Here is the new Wednesday night schedule, starting September 7th. 5:00…

Free Straw Bales

Anyone looking for a straw bale for mulch or decoration? We have a few left from the VBS hay bale maze, and they are free for the taking while they last! Pick them up from the north parking lot.

VBS Open House

Thank you to everyone who attended the VBS open house tonight. The kids enjoyed showing their families their classrooms and all that they have done this week. After some singing and a skit on the prodigal son, there were activities including alka-seltzer powered rockets, wool felting, and a hay bale maze. Much fun was had…