We live to make Christ known.

Sunday Morning Bible Studies

Digging into God’s Word is an important part of our spiritual growth. Our Saviors offers numerous opportunities for Bible study throughout the week, including Sunday morning between services from 9:15 to 10:15. Pastor Matheny is currently leading a study for the youth which meets in the youth room, and Pastor Lauer is leading a study…

Lenten Worship Schedule

We invite you to join us for Lenten worship services at 1:30 pm and 6:30 pm each Wednesday in Lent. A meal is served beginning at 5:15 pm so you can skip having to prepare supper!

Youth Kickball Tournament

The Youth group will be participating in the annual Night In The Dome Kickball tournament at Concordia University St. Paul. This tournament will take place (indoors!) on Friday, March 16th from 6-10p.m. For full details about this event check out their website here. However, for this event we will need to register our team by…

Youth Volunteer Opportunity

Our Savior’s youth group has volunteered to help Partners for Affordable Housing (a Mankato based charity serving homeless people) set up for “Pedal Past Poverty”, one of their fundraising events. We will meet up at the YMCA at 5:00 p.m. on Friday, February 23rd to help them out. We will work there until 6:30, and…

Book Club

The weekly book club meets Sundays at 4:30 pm. We are currently reading and discussing Harper Lee’s classic To Kill a Mockingbird. We invite everyone to attend!

Chili Cook-off

The 7th Annual Chili Cook-off is this Sunday, January 21st, right after the annual Voters’ Meeting (about 12:30pm). Make your way to the Fireplace room to test and cast your vote for your favorite chili in the mild, hot, and non-traditional categories. Grilled Cheese Sandwiches and Ice Cream Sundaes will also be served. If you…

Youth Ice Skating

Youth in grades 7 – 12 are invited to join us for ice skating this Sunday, January 14th, from 2 – 3:30pm. We will meet at All Seasons Arena. Admission is $3 and skate rental is $2. See you there!

New Year’s Weekend

We invite you to worship with us this New Year’s weekend. We will have regular Saturday evening and Sunday morning worship services, but there will not be Sunday School for children between services. Then we will gather at 6:30 pm for our New Year’s Eve worship service. Come get the new year off on the…

Christmas Service Schedule

We invite you to join us this weekend to celebrate the birth of our Savior. Services are at the following times: Christmas Eve, Sunday, December 24th: Service of Christmas Lessons and Carols 5 & 7 p.m. (with preservice music about 30 minutes before services) Christmas Candlelight Service with Holy Communion 10 p.m. Traditional Christmas Day Worship…

Christmas Caroling

Thanks to everyone who participated in Christmas Caroling this past Sunday. It was a fun time, and very much appreciated by those who were visited!

Children’s Christmas Program Video

“I bring good new to you—wonderful, joyous news for all people.” (Luke 2:10) The kids did a great job telling the good news of Jesus’ birth last Saturday at their annual recital and Christmas program. Here is a video of both the recital and program, with the program beginning at about minute 16. Please share…

Children’s Christmas Program

Our children have “Good News to Tell” at this year’s Children’s Christmas Service. They will share how Jesus came from heaven above to earth in love. The service is at 4:30pm on Saturday, December 16. A preservice music recital by OSLC kids will begin around 4pm, and refreshments will be serve afterward. Hope you can…

Advent Worship

During Advent we remember that God promised to rescue his people from death and we also anticipate that Jesus is coming again. Please join us for Advent Worship on Wednesdays at 1:30 pm and 6:30 pm. An informal coffee/fellowship hour follows the afternoon service and supper is served from 5:15 to 6:15 pm before the evening service.

Children’s Christmas Program Rehearsal

Our children have “Good News to Tell” at this year’s Children’s Christmas Service. They will share how Jesus came from heaven above to earth in love. The service is at 4:30pm on Saturday, December 16. Practice begins tomorrow from 10-11:30am for kids in grades 1-5. Hope you can join us!

Christmas Decorating

We will be decorating the church for Advent and Christmas on Sunday immediately following the 10:30 service. All ages are welcome and all help will be greatly appreciated. Lunch will be served. This is always a fun time of fellowship while getting into the Christmas spirit!

Shoebox Party This Sunday!

This Sunday is the Operation Christmas Child Packing and Pizza Party! Come be a missionary for a day and join the fun! We’ll start with a pizza lunch and Christmas cookies following the 10:30 service. Then the packing will begin. We’ll conclude with a parting prayer for the boxes, that God would bless the children…

Fall Cleanup This Sunday

Let the raking begin! This Sunday, November 5, starting at 3:30pm, we’ll be raking on our church property.  The more people the faster it goes and the more fun it is. We’ll even provide supper and some pleasant time around the fire when we are done. Bring a rake or chair if you have one…

Fall Festival on Friday

Please join us this Friday night beginning at 6pm for our annual Fall Festival! There will supper, games, crafts, and other fun activities. We will top off the evening at around 7pm with the ever-popular trunk or treating. It is always a fun night for all ages. Costumes are encouraged, and friends are always welcome!

Reformation Day

We will be celebrating Reformation Day this Sunday with some fun activities and a bunch of great music (choir, bells, brass, kids – you get the picture!). Kids in grades 1-5 will be singing at the beginning of the 10:30am service, and all Sunday School kids will have a special event during Sunday School beginning at 9:15am. We’d love to have you…

Fall Backpacking Trip

We had a great backpacking trip this past weekend. The group backpacked a portion of the Superior Hiking Trail north of Finland, MN. We enjoyed wilderness lakes, tumbling rivers, amazing vistas, and, of course, great company. For those who were unable to come along, we look forward to you joining us on the next trip!

Men’s Study

Hey men of all ages! Join us this Thursday night at 7:30pm for the first Men’s Study of the year. Pastor Matheny will be leading a study on vocation. Not sure what that means? Come find out!

Look out!

This last Sunday the youth and their families had a great afternoon and evening of games, blindfolded tractor races, and a warm bonfire. Thanks again to the Asleson’s for hosting at their beautiful property. Watch for more upcoming events!

Youth Bonfire

Youth in grades 7 – 12 and their families are invited for a fun afternoon around a bonfire this Sunday, October 8th at 3pm. We will be playing yard games, have a Devotion, and cook a light supper over the fire. Please bring a lawn chair and any games you may want to play. Contact…

Organ Project

Our congregation has been blessed with a beautiful pipe organ as well as talented organists to play it to help enhance our worship. It has been many years since the organ has been serviced, so it is in need of some work. As we plan for the work, we ask you to prayerfully consider if…

Johanna Heidorn

“Thank You!” to all who supported Johanna Heidorn who will be going to support LCMS Missionaries in Asia.  Johanna will be photographing and writing about the work of Synod and career missionaries from her base in Hong Kong and by traveling to where the work is being done. We hope to stay in touch with…

Hey Adventurers!

Our annual fall backpacking trip is scheduled for October 19-22 (leaving early on Thursday and returning Sunday afternoon). We will be hiking a portion of the beautiful Superior Hiking Trail that runs from Duluth to Canada along Lake Superior. Some camping experience is helpful, but no specific backpacking experience necessary. Don’t worry if you don’t…

Exciting Times

Sunday School Classes for Toddler Age on up through adults reboot this Sunday! Parents, please plan to have your kids gather in the sanctuary at 9:15am to meet your new teachers find your new room. Youth will meet in the youth room, and adults in the fellowship hall. The 3rd graders will also be receiving their own Faith Alive Student Bible at…

Education Sunday September 10

Sunday School Classes will begin afresh for Toddler Age on up through adults in less than 2 weeks! Parents, please plan to have your kids gather in the sanctuary at 9:15am to meet your new teachers find your new room. The 3rd graders will also be receiving their own Faith Alive Student Bible at the…

Come see the Moondogs!

Take me out to the Ball Game! Our Savior’s invites you to a night of fellowship on Sunday, July 16th at 6:05 pm for the Moondogs Game. 20 tickets are already pre-purchased and are only $6/ticket. Stop by the narthex this Sunday or drop by the church office this week to get in on the action…

Watch: Job

Everyone enjoyed watching and being a part of this skit!  Click on the link below to watch a re-enactment of the story of Job from the Blue Ribbon Bible Club (Summer Wednesdays).