Due to the heavy snow, all Wednesday evening events for February 20th have been cancelled. Cozy up around the fireplace (or dress warm and go crunch through the snow, if that is your thing) and stay warm!
Due to the heavy snow, all Wednesday evening events for February 20th have been cancelled. Cozy up around the fireplace (or dress warm and go crunch through the snow, if that is your thing) and stay warm!
In the February VOICE we reported that our fund raising for the Organ and Audio/Visual upgrade projects was about $21,000 from our goal of $200,200. Wow! That alone was tremendous news. But in response to last month’s update in the VOICE we have received a generous donation of $21,000 which means that we have COMPLETED our fundraising and now have, on hand,…
One of the best known and most loved psalms is Psalm 23. But how well do you really know it? Come learn with us at Early Bird Bible Study Monday mornings from 6:30-7:30 am. We meet in the library, and the coffee will be hot! Hope to see you there.
Men’s Bible Study begins a new study of the book Man Up! The Quest for Masculinity by Jeffrey Hemmer. We meet the second Thursday each month, this month it’s February 14th at 7:30pm in the Fireplace Room. Contact Pastor Matheny (507-385-2183 or matheny@oslcmankato.org) if you are interested so he can get you a book. Come…
The Youth are preparing for 12 students, 2 adults, and 1 pastor to attend the 2019 LCMS National Youth Gathering in Minneapolis in July. To raise funds for the trip, the youth and families will hold a bake sale on Sunday, February 10th after each of the morning services, just in time for Valentines’ Day.…
Due to the predicted cold temperatures and windchill, all Wednesday evening events for January 30th have been cancelled. Cozy up around the fireplace (or dress warm and go crunch through the snow, if that is your thing) and stay warm!
The annual Chili Cook Off is coming soon! This popular event will be held on Sunday, January 27th following the Voters’ Meeting. Sample a variety of chili’s and cast your ballot for your favorite mild, hot, and non-traditional chili. Everyone is invited to bring their favorite chili to enter. Chefs can bring their entries to the kitchen…
There are a couple of new Bible study opportunities for you to take advantage of. First, there is an additional adult class Sunday mornings between services on the book of Acts led by Deaconess Lisa Brand. Come hear the boldness of those speaking the gospel in a difficult time. We’re meeting in Room 124 which…
A new Cancer Companions series is starting on Wednesday, January 9th. We will meet from 3:30 – 5pm in the church Library. Please enter from the east parking lot door. Please share this with others that you care about. This group is for anyone touched by cancer in any way. Come join us, you are not…
Did you make a New Year’s resolution to spend more time in God’s Word? You’re in luck! New Bible studies are regularly being added — keep an eye on the bulletin board in the hallway for all the details. If you have any questions check with Pastor Lauer, Pastor Matheny, Deaconess Brand, or the study leader for more details.
People of all ages and all singing abilities are invited to join us for Caroling this Sunday afternoon. We’ll meet at church at 3pm, divide into groups, spread some Christmas cheer at a few of our members’ homes, and meet back at church to warm up with hot chocolate and treats.
Miss the Children’s Christmas program Saturday night? It was so good you want to watch it again? You’re in luck! Check out the video below or watch it on KTV (Charter channel 18, Consolidated channel 7) Fridays, December 21st, 28th, and January 4th at 7:30 pm. You can also access it online to stream at…
Join us for the Children’s Christmas Service, “Silent Night, Holy Night”, at 4:30pm this Saturday, December 15th. The children will be singing, acting, and telling about the love of God shared that precious night. Come early to enjoy special music, presented by our young musicians, and stay after to enjoy some fellowship and refreshments.
Join us in January as we pray for those who have been affected by cancer. Find more information here. Learn more about the Cancer Companions ministry here at Our Saviors here.
During Advent we remember that God promised to rescue his people from death and we also anticipate that Jesus is coming again. Please join us for Advent Worship on Wednesdays at 1:30 pm and 6:30 pm. An informal coffee/fellowship hour follows the afternoon service and supper is served from 5:15 to 6:15 pm before the evening service.
This Sunday the youth will be serving their much anticipated annual dinner prior to the voters’ meeting! Immediately following the 10:30 service join us for a wonderful Turkey Commercial dinner. A free-will offering will be collected and all proceeds will go toward the 2019 National Youth Gathering expenses. Everyone is encouraged to attend the annual…
This Sunday, November 25th, immediately following the 10:30 service, we will be decorating the church for the season of Advent and Christmas. All ages are invited to help “Deck the Halls”. Lunch will be served when the decorating is complete.
Are you a new member who does not currently have your photo in the church directory? Are you interested in getting some high quality family pictures for Christmas? Kristian Bjornstad is offering portrait sittings the weekends of November 24-25 and December 1-2. Please watch for sigh-up sheets in the narthex or contact the church office to set up a sitting. See below for…
We had a great fall festival last week, including crafts, games, food, great costumes, and trunk-or-treating. We even had a surprise visit by a gorilla! Thanks to everyone who participated and for all the volunteers that made it possible.
Operation Christmas Child has begun! Please take a starter box from the display table (each box has a few things inside to “get you started”), fill it with fun and return it by November 11th. Each child who receives a shoebox can participate in the follow-up discipleship program, which teaches them how to faithfully follow…
Our Savior’s Youth+ group will meet this Sunday, September 23, 3 p.m. in the Youth Room for a servant event. Mankato REACH serves literally 100’s of area youth who are at-risk of or are experiencing homelessness for many different reasons. They “couch surf” to homes of family and friends, but are lacking a true home of…
New to the Christian faith, or just want to brush up on the basics? Adult Confirmation Instruction, taught by Pastor Lauer, will take place on Wednesdays from 7 – 8 pm, and will finish up before Christmas. This class is for anyone who look like to learn, or review, the basic teaching of the Christian…
Sometimes it just feels good to start fresh. Through forgiveness God gives us a clean slate. We can breathe a sigh of relief and step forward into a new day and a new year. Join us this Sunday as children’s Sunday School classes get back in full swing. Families are invited to start in the Sanctuary…
Beginning Wednesday, September 12, from 5:15-6:15pm Lisa Brand will be leading a study on the book “Caring Criticism: Building Bridges Instead of Walls”. This book discusses the following topics: 1) Why Criticism Doesn’t Work; 2) Why Do We Criticize; 3) If Criticism Doesn’t Work, What Does?; 4) How to Correct Others Without Hurting Them; 5) When…
Looking to get away? Our annual fall backpacking trip is scheduled for September 14-16 (leaving early on Friday and returning Sunday). We will be hiking a portion of the beautiful Superior Hiking Trail that runs from Duluth to Canada along Lake Superior. Some camping experience is helpful, but no specific backpacking experience necessary. Don’t worry…
Can you believe it is less than four weeks until school starts up again? That means it is time to start thinking about getting the music groups back together! This fall there are a variety of opportunities for you to get involved in praising our God through music. Kids Ring – Handbells for 3rd grade…
We had a great time at VBS this past week! Thank you to all of the kids who attended, the volunteers who dedicated many hours to helping, and church staff for planning and coordinating the week. The kids will be singing several songs they learned over the course of the week at the beginning of…
Vacation Bible School is in a little less than a month! At Splash Canyon, your children learn God keeps His promises on life’s wild ride! They’ll learn five Bible accounts where our faithful God keeps His promises to be with us and gives us life and hope through Jesus, our Savior. Join us for a…
Pastor Matheny will be leading a new Bible study during education hour beginning July 15th on Luther’s Large Catechism. Remember the Small Catechism you used during confirmation? The Large Catechism is its big brother, and is even better! Join Pastor at 9:15 am in the sanctuary to learn more. For those who attended the study…
Looking for an opportunity to get into God’s Word? Early Bird Bible Study is beginning a new study on July 30th, and everyone is invited. This study is called “God in the Real World”, and it connects our lives to the reality of what God did on earth. Each lesson includes video segments shot in…
Have you ever been interested, or are now playing handbells? Do you need a refresher or would like to continue with learning some of the basics of music? This summer on Wednesday evenings at 5:15pm there will be class that will include topics like counting, time signatures, key signatures and handbell techniques. Anyone from 3rd…
Just look at all these opportunities to meet with your brothers and sisters in Christ and talk about the Bible, share experiences, and strengthen your faith! You are welcome to drop into any of them – if you have questions, please contact the group leader. No excuses not to get into the Word!
Just because it is summer does not mean we stop taking time in God’s Word! We invite kids to join us in the fellowship hall from 9:15 to 10:15 Sunday mornings (starting June 10th) for H2Oh! – a special series that reminds us of how God keeps his promises. The youth are invited to join…
Our annual spring backpacking trip was last weekend. It was a great few days of hiking and enjoying nature and each other’s company. You never know what kind of weather you will get along Lake Superior — this year we had a wide variety including chilly temps, warm sun, and even a bit of freezing…
We invite you to join us for a new series during Sunday morning Bible study time from 9:15-10:15. Pastor Matheny and Matt Brand will be doing a series on their recent travels to Israel. This week will include an overview of the geography and geology of the area, and how God used this particular place.…
Today was our last day in Israel, and we are writing you from the Istanbul Airport as we wait to board our flight from Turkey to New York. We began this morning on the Mount of Olives. We started out at Bethpage where we had a clear view not only of Jerusalem, but also the town of Bethany where Jesus stayed when…
Today was all about Jerusalem. The majority of our day was spent in the Temple Mount area, the most contentious 35 acres in the world. We arrived early to get through security before lines got too long, and spent several hours exploring the Temple Mount area and discussing the Biblical relevance of different areas. It is somewhat difficult to fully envision what…
Greetings from Israel! Today was both the end of our time in Galilee and the beginning of our time in Jerusalem. As our last stop in Galilee we saw a city called Scythopilis. This city, though not mentioned by name in the New Testament would certainly have been known to Jesus. Scythopilis was the largest city in the region known as the…
Greetings from Israel! Our home base for the past few days has been at a Kibbutz on the south side of the Sea of Galilee, and we have been focusing on the area around the sea. Today, however, we journeyed further north into the area of Israel that lies between Lebanon on the west and Syria on the east. Our first stop…
Greetings from Israel! Today we spent the majority of our day in what is called the “Evangelical Triangle”. This is the small (and we do mean small!) area in Galilee where Jesus spent the vast majority of His ministry. The triangle is formed by drawing connecting lines between the towns of Bethsaida, Chorazin, and Magdala. We began our day at the small…
Greetings from Israel! Our day today focused on getting our bearings in the region around the Sea of Galilee. Our initial thought, coming from the land of 10,000 lakes, was that the Sea of Galilee should really be called Galilee Lake – it is not as big as we thought it would be. However, it is central to the story of the…
Greetings from Israel! Today (just like every other day) has been a whirlwind tour of numerous Biblical stories. We stayed last night in Haifa, a port city on the Mediterranean Sea with settlement dating back many thousands of years. We began this morning by driving up to a lookout on the peak of Mount Carmel. You will probably remember Mt. Carmel as…
Greetings from Israel! We have reached the southern end of our journey through the wilderness and turned back to the north. Yesterday we spent some time at the east end of the Biblical Negev, and this morning we visited a larger Biblical settlement in the western Negev, Beer Sheba. The site is a Tel – a site upon which numerous cities, settlements,…
Greetings from Israel! Today we spent the day exploring the wilderness south of Jerusalem called the Biblical Negev. This region is in the southern part of Judea. It is formed by a large east-West valley the runs through the more mountainous regions of wilderness that surround it. This area stands out because, due to its…
Greetings from Israel! As we mentioned in the first report, the region of Judah has five district climatological regions. We spent the first day in the Shephelah region, the next two days in the hill country, and today in the wilderness region east of Jerusalem. This region is very different – actually classified as a…
Greetings from Israel! Today we again began our day in the classroom. We continued our class focused on teaching techniques, especially the effective use of questions in teaching God’s Word. Pastor Zelt (the professor for our course and group leader) is a talented teacher and is doing his utmost to impart his wisdom to us.…
We began the morning with several hours of classroom time reviewing the areas we visited yesterday and beginning to learn about teaching methods. This morning focused on using questions as part of the teaching process, specifically centered on using events and interactions in Scripture and the Holy Land as a foundation for these questions. About…
Greetings from Israel! We have been caught up in a whirlwind the last two- or was it three- days. We departed from JFK international airport on Tuesday at 7p.m. for a roughly 10 hour flight to Istanbul, Turkey. Once there we went through Israeli security for a transfer flight from Istanbul to Tel Aviv, Israel.…
We invite you to join us for worship during the upcoming Holy Week. Worship times are as follows: Palm Sunday, March 25th: 8am & 10:30am Maundy Thursday, March 29th: 1:30pm & 6:30pm Good Friday, March 30th: 1:30pm & 6:30pm Easter Vigil, Saturday, March 31st: 8pm Easter Sunday, April 1st: Sunrise Service at 6am Easter celebration at 8am & 10:30am…
Our sister congregation that we helped plant in St. Peter, River of Life, is dedicating their new sanctuary this Sunday. They invite everyone to join them for this celebration service this Sunday, March 11, at 10am!