We live to make Christ known.

Video Services

Our last two worship services are now available on our own website! Go to “Sermons and Devotions” on our homepage and you can select to Listen (to hear only the sermon) or Watch (to view the entire service)! This Saturday evening we’ll post a video of a full worship service from a previous year with the same readings we would have had…

For those who may have respiratory symptoms

Pastor Lauer will respond to those who desire pastoral care in times of crisis, illness, or nearing death and are showing respiratory symptoms. Call the church office or pastor Lauer directly. He will be taking precautions for his own safety and for others he serves. However, we feel it is best to have only one pastor aiding those who may be infected.

Daily Online Resources and Updates

Pastor Lauer is working remotely to provide daily resources and updates to our website. This will include daily audio devotions, messages from synod and district, good stuff for Lutherans from around the internet, and more to give you food for your soul even though we are not meeting for worship

Pastoral Care and Small Group Worship

Pastor Matheny will be available on Thursday, March 19 in the chapel from 9 to 11 a.m. for individuals or small groups of no more than 10 at once to share in private confession, prayer, scripture reading, and the like. Please be prepared for some wait if there is significant interest in this. Child supervision in the nursery will be available at…

Hope in Darkness-Postponed

Hope in Darkness – Women’s Retreat that was scheduled for March has been postponed. But keep an eye out for it’s rescheduling to join us for Bible study, music, craft, and fellowship. Lunch and morning refreshments are included in the $10 cost. Don’t forget to register by contacting Deaconess Lisa Brand even though we haven’t…

Cancer Companions 30 Days of Prayer

The 2nd Annual 30 Days of Prayer continues this week.  There are three ways to register, e-mail, phone, Facebook. Go to: https://www.cancer-companions.org/30-days-cancer-prayer-registration/ to register.  I will be receiving the 30 Days of Prayer on my phone and via Facebook, which I will share from all my Facebook friends, a simple way to spread the word. …

Outdoor Fun

Did you make a new year’s resolution to get outside more? Looking for a chance to spend time with other members of Our Saviors? We have a number of activities planned for this year, with more details to follow. If you are interested in participating or have any questions, please contact Matt Brand or Lisa…

Potluck Dinner & Bible Study

Please join us for food and Bible Study on Thursday, January 23rd. We’ll gather at 5:30pm in the Fireplace room for a potluck dinner. Then at 6:30pm we’ll study God’s Word together. This month we will continue our study of A Simple Way to Pray by Dr. Martin Luther. See you there!

Sunday Morning Bible Study

Sunday, January 19th, Pastor Matheny will begin a 12-week class on the Small Catechism. You may have studied this book in Confirmation, but if you haven’t touched it since then, this class is for you. For anyone seeking membership at Our Savior’s, this will give you everything you need in order to join. Meet at…

TSNT Special Event!

Join us on Sunday, January 12th from 6 – 8 pm for a very special TSNT – parents and congregation members are invited and encouraged to attend. Rev. Fred Hinz of the Minnesota South District Staff will present “God’s Ordering of All Things, Visible and Invisible.” During the evening you will hear about compelling new discoveries…

Christmas Worship

We invite you to join us for Christmas services as we celebrate the birth of Jesus, our Savior. Christmas Eve Service of Readings and Carols: 5pm & 7pm Pre-service music beginning at 4:30pm & 6:30pm Candlelight Service with Holy Communion: 10p Christmas Day Traditional Christmas Worship with Holy Communion: 9am

Children’s Christmas Service

“From Everywhere to Bethlehem” is coming next Saturday, December 21 at 4:30pm. There will be a variety of music performed by the children beforehand and refreshments afterward. Feel free to bring some goodies to share and drop them off in the kitchen. Please join us!

Be a Part of the New Photo Directory!

Be included in our new photo directory! Book your session now at: https://booknow-lifetouch.appointment-plus.com/b0m7h7rg/   Photography dates are: Tuesday – Friday, January 21 – 24, 2 – 9pm Saturday, January 25, 10am – 5pm Tuesday – Friday, January 28 – 31, 2 – 9pm Saturday, February 1, 10am – 5pm. A free 8 x 10 and…

Youth Meal

The Youth will be preparing a hot meal for after services on Sunday, November 24th, before the Voters’ Meeting. Join us at 11:30 am for a great meal and conversation with your brothers and sisters. There is no charge for the meal, but donations for the meal will go toward youth activities.

Sunday Education Hour

Christian education opportunities abound throughout the week, but there is something for all ages Sunday mornings between services. There is Sunday school for the kids ages 3 and up (see Deaconess Lisa if you have any questions about where classes meet), as well as several Bible studies for everyone else. Pastor Lauer is leading an…

Nebraska Disaster Relief Trip

Last week seven members of Our Savior’s and Good Shepherd (North Mankato) drove to Fremont Nebraska to help with the ongoing flood recovery. While there, they were able to share Jesus’ servant love to local residents by re-insulating mobile homes that had been damaged by the heavy spring floods. The work ad its challenges, but…

Fall Festival

Yes, you may have just seen some snow flurries in the air. You know what that means? Yes, winter is on the way, but it also means the fall festival is imminent! Everyone is invited to join us Friday, October 25, beginning at 6:00pm with supper and activities. Trunks will be opened at 7:00pm for…

Nebraska Disaster Relief Mission Trip

Disaster Relief Mission to Nebraska Planned for October 24-27! Participants aged 16 – 99 of all abilities and skills are challenged to be a part of a team of workers to bring spiritual and practical relief to those suffering from the disastrous floods in Nebraska this past year. If you are interested in participating, please…

Wednesday Night Meals

Wednesday Night Meals are served each week beginning at 6pm. For those who participate in choir or confirmation, this is a great way to catch a hearty meal beforehand. However, everyone is welcome, and this is a great time of fellowship. At 6:45pm we have a short devotion led by Pastor Matheny. A free-will donation…


Several members of our Mens Group had a great time in the Boundary Waters last week. It was a great time for fellowship, outdoor activities, devotion, and enjoying God’s great creation. It is telling that even though the weather had its challenges, we were discussing the next trip before even leaving. Watch for upcoming opportunities!

Wednesday Night Schedule

With the new school year comes a full schedule of Wednesday night activities beginning September 11th. Supper begins at 6pm with prayer together followed at 6:45pm with a devotion with Pastor Matheny. All are welcome to come eat together. Choirs and confirmation also begin – check the church calendar for details on times. We look…

Education Sunday

Christian education is a year-round activity at Our Saviors, but each September we refocus on education for the new school year. Education Sunday is next week, September 8. Have you considered your plans for fall? There are opportunities for all ages! Are you looking for a new Bible Study or considered helping with children’s Sunday…

Boundary Waters Trip

Hey, men of Our Saviors! We are organizing a canoeing trip to the Boundary Waters this September, and would love to have you join us. We are planning to leave early on Wednesday, September 11, and return Sunday afternoon, September 15. The trip will include prayer, canoeing, fishing, exploring, camaraderie, and, of course, soul-crushing portages.…

Interested in a Golf or Foot Golf outing?

The board of Deacons is looking to plan a family friendly golf/foot golf (“golf” using a soccer ball on the same course just with bigger holes) outing at Minneopa Golf Course September 15th, 2019 at 4:30pm (Vikings play at 12:00 that day). We need to know how many people would be interested in order to know…

VBS Liftoff in 10… 9… 8…

VBS starts next Monday, August 5th! At Miraculous Mission, children learn about God’s plan to Save the World! They’ll learn five Biblical accounts beginning with creation and continuing through Jesus’ Ascension into heaven. Join us for a week full of friends, learning, and fun from August 5-9 from 6-8 pm. Registration is free and open…

The Word of God in Israel

The words of the Bible come to life as you walk through the physical places where those events take place. You gain a new depth of understanding for words like Living Water, Mighty Fortress, and Worship. Join us, during the Sunday School hour between services beginning August 4, as we consider God’s Word from a…

VBS – Launching Soon!

At Miraculous Mission, children learn about God’s plan to Save the World! They’ll learn five Biblical accounts beginning with creation and continuing through Jesus’ Ascension into heaven. Join us for a week full of friends, learning, and fun from August 5-9 from 6-8 pm. Registration is free and open to children ages 3 to entering…

National Youth Gathering

Twelve of our youth and their leaders left today for the LCMS National Youth Gathering in Minneapolis. Please pray for them as they learn, worship, and hang out with other Lutherans from around the country. We look forward to hearing about their experiences! You can follow along with their activities and livestream the mass events…

Get Ready for VBS!

At Miraculous Mission, children learn about God’s plan to Save the World! They’ll learn five Biblical accounts beginning with creation and continuing through Jesus’ Ascension into heaven. Join us for a week full of friends, learning, and fun from August 5-9 from 6-8 pm. Registration is free and open to children ages 3 to entering…

Hey Green (or any other color) Thumbs!

Do you enjoy working in the soil? The courtyard and front planters are looking gorgeous but need some basic care including weeding, light hoeing, and dead heading. Even if your thumbs tend towards hues other than green, your help would be appreciated. This can be done any time and the office staff is very willing…

Organ Project Celebration!

Join us Sunday, June 30th at the 8 or 10:30 services for a special worship service of hymns and readings in celebration of completing our organ project. Sister of the congregation Linda Krueger will be the organist for this special service. A reception with refreshments will be served in the Fireplace Room following each morning…

Summer Education Hour

Just because it is summer does not mean we stop taking time in God’s Word! We invite those of all ages to join us for education hour from 9:15-10:15 Sunday mornings. The kids will be meeting in the youth room beginning this Sunday to discuss how we can serve with joy. Though sometimes we think…

Church Picnic

Mark your calendar, our Annual Church Picnic, June 9, is coming quickly. The church is providing the food, but we need you to provide the people. Plan to join us across the street in the Franklin schoolyard after the 10:30am service. If you have a couple lawn chairs or a favorite outdoor game, bring them…

Organ Update

The organ renovation project is going very well, and is on schedule and within budget. If you look up to the balcony you will see the pipes are nearly all installed, and the tuning process is underway. We hope to begin using the organ in June, and have scheduled the dedication for June 30th. Watch…


Thanks to JAM!, Our Savior’s youth choir, for singing at Pathstone Living earlier this week. Thanks especially to Emily for directing the group and Suzie for playing the keyboard!

God’s Love in Action

Stephen Ministers get to be instruments of God’s love as they visit people in times of hurt. Do you have a heart for others? Are you willing to be trained for service? Talk to Deaconess Lisa Brand to see if it is a good fit for you (385-2185 or lisa@oslcmankato.org). We’re starting our next set…

Men’s Study

Attention men! Don’t forget that our Men’s Bible Study meets at 7:30pm in the Fireplace room on the second Thursday of each month (next Thursday the 9th). This month we will discuss chapter 7 in Man Up. Please join us even if you have not read the book — it is always a lively discussion!

Red Cross Blood Drive

Our Savior’s is hosting a blood drive on Monday, May 6th from noon – 5pm.  To schedule your appointment, go to: www.redcrossblood.org, or the Blood Donor app on your mobile device, sponsor code: oslcmankato. The need is constant.  Save a Life – Donate Blood.

Spring Backpacking Trip

Looking to get out and enjoy spring? We have been assured that by the end of May spring will be here for good, so we have scheduled our annual spring backpacking trip for May 30-June 2 (leaving early on Thursday and returning Sunday). We will be hiking a portion of the beautiful Superior Hiking Trail…

Easter Breakfast

The Youth Group invites you to breakfast on Easter Sunday, served from 6:45 until 10am. Come enjoy great food and fellowship before or after celebrating Jesus’ resurrection. A free will offering will be taken to support future youth events. Hope to see you there!

Holy Week Worship

We invite you to join us for worship during the upcoming Holy Week. Worship times are as follows: Palm Sunday, April 14th: 8am & 10:30am Maundy Thursday, April 18th: 1:30pm & 6:30pm Good Friday, April 19th: 1:30pm & 6:30pm Easter Vigil, Saturday, April 20th: 8pm Easter Sunday, April 21st: Sunrise Service at 6am; Easter celebration at 8am & 10:30am…

Grief Discussion Group

Find a safe place to talk with others who can relate. Yes, even Christians grieve. Join us as we lean on each other and look to God’s Word for comfort. We’ll meet weekly for 8 sessions beginning Thursday, April 4 at 3:00pm in the library. It doesn’t matter if it’s been less than a year…

Lutheran Hour Ministries Rally Pictures

A huge thank you to Rev. Dr. Michael Zeigler and Lutheran Hour Ministries for a wonderful Rally Sunday this past weekend. Hearing God’s Word through Rev. Zeigler’s message, uplifting worship, and meaningful study resulted in an encouraging day. Enjoy a number of pictures from the day taken by Kristian Bjornstad.

Lutheran Hour Ministry Rally

Join the MN South International Lutheran Laymen’s League this Sunday, March 17th at 4pm for an “old fashioned” Lutheran Hour Rally at Hosanna Lutheran Church, Mankato. Enjoy a reception sponsored by Lutheran Church Extension Fund (LCEF) following the Service. Rev. Dr. Michael Zeigler, the new Speaker of The Lutheran Hour, will serve as guest preacher…

Lenten Worship

We welcome you to join us for Lenten worship services as we reflect on the life and suffering of Jesus in preparation for Easter. Services are held at 1:30pm and 6:30pm. Join us after the 1:30 service for fellowship in the Fireplace Room. Supper is also served from 5:15 to 6:15 before the evening service…

Let’s read the Bible together!

Beginning March 6th (Ash Wednesday), Our Savior’s Board of Education invites you to read the Bible with us every day. We’ll read through the Holy Gospel according to St. Matthew over the next two weeks utilizing a popular Bible app. You can find the app here for iPhone/iPad, Android, and the web. If you would rather…

Women’s Retreat

Sooth your wounds with the balm of God’s love. Join us for this year’s Women’s Retreat, 9:00am-2:00pm on Saturday, March 16. We’ll have food, fellowship, and Bible Study as we consider Jesus healing of women from various adversities. Cost is $10. To register contact Deaconess Lisa Brand at 385-2185 or lisa@oslcmankato.org by March 6 so…