At Our Savior Lutheran Church we live to make Christ known.
This is the Mission Statement that our congregation has adopted—what does this look like in practice? At our last meeting we prepared four Vision Statements that describe what our congregation will be like when we successfully embody our mission:
“We are equipped to speak and live our faith at home and in the world.”
“We actively gather together in Christ-centered worship.”
“We create and develop relationships built on the love of Christ.”
“We joyfully and actively seek out opportunities to read and study God’s Word in order to support the next generation.”
So, how do we make this vision a reality, and not just become a dusty plan on the bookshelf? Join us on Monday, February 28 at 6:30 pm to discuss our Vision Statements and brainstorm goals that will help us accomplish them. We want to make sure everyone has an opportunity to have a say in the future of our congregation, so please join us!