We live to make Christ known.


TSNT and National Youth Gathering Meeting

Youth of Our Savior’s! We’ll meet for TSNT Sunday from 6:30 – 8pm in the Fireplace room. We’ll also include time for LCMS National Youth Gathering information. We will be gathering feedback and answering questions. The Youth Gathering “In All Things” is July 9–13, 2022, in Houston, Texas. All youth, who will be age 14,…

Youth Servant Event This Sunday

Our Savior’s Youth+ group will meet this Sunday, September 23, 3 p.m. in the Youth Room for a servant event. Mankato REACH serves literally 100’s of area youth who are at-risk of or are experiencing homelessness for many different reasons. They “couch surf” to homes of family and friends, but are lacking a true home of…

Youth Kickball Tournament

The Youth group will be participating in the annual Night In The Dome Kickball tournament at Concordia University St. Paul. This tournament will take place (indoors!) on Friday, March 16th from 6-10p.m. For full details about this event check out their website here. However, for this event we will need to register our team by…

Youth Volunteer Opportunity

Our Savior’s youth group has volunteered to help Partners for Affordable Housing (a Mankato based charity serving homeless people) set up for “Pedal Past Poverty”, one of their fundraising events. We will meet up at the YMCA at 5:00 p.m. on Friday, February 23rd to help them out. We will work there until 6:30, and…

Youth Ice Skating

Youth in grades 7 – 12 are invited to join us for ice skating this Sunday, January 14th, from 2 – 3:30pm. We will meet at All Seasons Arena. Admission is $3 and skate rental is $2. See you there!

Look out!

This last Sunday the youth and their families had a great afternoon and evening of games, blindfolded tractor races, and a warm bonfire. Thanks again to the Asleson’s for hosting at their beautiful property. Watch for more upcoming events!

Youth Bonfire

Youth in grades 7 – 12 and their families are invited for a fun afternoon around a bonfire this Sunday, October 8th at 3pm. We will be playing yard games, have a Devotion, and cook a light supper over the fire. Please bring a lawn chair and any games you may want to play. Contact…

Come see the Moondogs!

Take me out to the Ball Game! Our Savior’s invites you to a night of fellowship on Sunday, July 16th at 6:05 pm for the Moondogs Game. 20 tickets are already pre-purchased and are only $6/ticket. Stop by the narthex this Sunday or drop by the church office this week to get in on the action…

Watch: Job

Everyone enjoyed watching and being a part of this skit!  Click on the link below to watch a re-enactment of the story of Job from the Blue Ribbon Bible Club (Summer Wednesdays).

Book Club

We had such a great time with the inaugural book club, that we have scheduled the next series. We will be meeting weekly on Sundays from 4:30-6:00pm beginning June 11. The book is The Hammer of God by Bo Giertz, which is available at Amazon in various formats (or from your local bookseller). Everyone is welcome to…

Easter Breakfast

The Youth Group invites you to breakfast on Easter Sunday, served from 6:45 until 10am. Come enjoy great food and fellowship before or after celebrating Jesus’ resurrection. A free will offering will be taken to support future youth events. Hope to see you there!

National Youth Gathering Presentation

Our youth who attended the National Youth Gathering in New Orleans this summer will be giving a presentation about their trip. Come learn about their experiences and how it has impacted their lives this Sunday during education hour (9:30am) in the fellowship hall. Grab some breakfast and a cup of coffee beforehand and join to…

VBS is Coming!

VBS is only THREE days away!  Last Wednesday’s Volunteer Training was a success with tasty treats, learning, and getting to know other volunteers.  If you missed it, please make sure you come to the Volunteer Training this Sunday, August 7th, after the 10:30 service.  You’ll learn about the lessons, groups, rotations, and basic first aid.

Blue Ribbon Bible Club - The Saints in Heaven

Pictures from the Last Fair Night

The last night at the Fair was fantastic, as the pictures below will quickly point out! There were freshly grilled burgers and hotdogs, potato salad, coleslaw, baked beans, chips, popcorn, root beer floats, cotton candy, a photo booth, a scavenger hunt, and much more. We opened in the Chapel, went to the Narthex for the…

Blue Ribbon Bible Club - Jesus Heals the Centurion's Servant

One More Night at the Fair!

Join us at the Fair one last time this Wednesday, July 20th! We’ll be celebrating with some fun activities and a feast to go with our theme, The Saints in Heaven. There will be a photo booth with accessories, treasure hunt, balloon animals, and MORE! Don’t forget to bring your appetites for hot dogs, burgers,…

NYG Live Stream

If you are interested in getting a taste of what our youth are experiencing at the National Youth Gathering in New Orleans, check out the live stream of the event at 8pm each night. You can find a link to the live stream here: http://lcmsgathering.com.

Blue Ribbon Bible Club - The Baptism of Jesus

Pictures from The Baptism of Jesus

There’s only ONE Blue Ribbon Bible Club night left at the Fair! Last night was an awesome time of fellowship and learning about the Baptism of Jesus. We carved shapes from soap and placed them in real shells, ate shell-shaped empanadas and popcorn sheep, watched color mix in water, tested our memory skills with a…

Off to New Orleans!

Eleven members of our youth, along with chaperones, will be heading to New Orleans later this week for the National Youth Gathering. We pray for safe travel and an enriching experience as they learn and worship with thousands of other Christians. Have a great time! You can learn more about the gathering at http://lcmsgathering.com.

Blue Ribbon Bible Club - Jesus Teaches His Disciples to Pray

Pictures from Jesus Teaches His Disciples to Pray

Everyone had a good time last night learning how Jesus taught His disciples to pray through watching bubbling prayers, eating prayer pretzels and marshmallow eggs, ordering the petitions, singing songs, making prayer journals, painting with balls, and creating kingdoms with playdough. The pictures are below!

Blue Ribbon Bible Club - Peter and John Heal a Lame Man

Pictures from Peter and John Heal a Lame Man

The pictures from last night’s Blue Ribbon Bible Club are below!  We learned about Peter and John healing a lame man through a variety of different activities, including testing our knowledge with a Bible Quiz kiosk with prizes, painting with jumbo straws, making finger puppets, eating mini donuts with crackers and cheese, seeing salt jump for joy in…

Blue Ribbon Bible Club - Jesus Heals the Centurion's Servant

Pictures from Jesus Heals the Centurion’s servant

Check out the pictures below from Wednesday!  We learned about Jesus healing the Centurion’s servant.  We rolled bandages, put bandaids on the person, made our own shields, color transferred pictures, ate food on a stick and a power snack mix, tried different attributes to see what made the light work, sang, actively listened to a Bible reading,…

Blue Ribbon Bible Club - Daniel in the Lions' Den

Pictures from Daniel in the Lions’ Den

Everyone enjoyed the first session of Blue Ribbon Bible Club! Below are pictures of the evening’s activities. This week we learned about Daniel in the Lions’ Den. Because angels protected Daniel by shutting the lions’ mouths, we had angel food cake and buttered popcorn for snacks. We also had several themed games, a door prize,…