We live to make Christ known.


Hear Our Penitential Cry

Savior, When in Dust to Thee is one of the hymns appointed for Ash Wednesday. Given the subject of the hymn its appropriateness for the season of Lent, and Ash Wednesday in particular, is obvious. This season of Lent is a penitential season, by which we mean this is a season in which we reflect upon the depravity of our sins and…

Let Thy Servant Depart in Peace

February 2nd is the feast of the Purification of Mary and the Presentation of our Lord in the temple. On this occasion the elderly priest Simeon beheld in his arms the infant Lord Jesus Christ. It had been revealed to him by the Holy Spirit that he would not see death before he had seen the Lord’s Christ, so now when he…

The Journey Home

“Then, gracious God, in years to come, we pray Your hand may guide us, and onward through our journey home, your mercy walk beside us until at last our ransomed life is safe from peril, toil, and strife when heaven itself shall hide us.” – LSB 899:5   One of the most popular themes in fictional literature is the story of the…

Praying is Hard

Pastor Matheny reflects on prayer and why it can be so difficult, based on a comment in Martin Luther’s Genesis commentary. Enjoy!

Pastor Installation Service

Please come and welcome our new pastor!  Pastor Matheny will be installed as Assistant Pastor during a service at Our Savior’s on July 3rd at 3 pm.  The service will include special music sung together by our adult and kids choirs. More information will be available in the coming weeks!