We live to make Christ known.


Children’s Christmas Service

“The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.” John 1:5 Join us Sunday, December 22nd, at 9 a.m. as we gaze upon the True Light, lying in a manger, in this year’s Children’s Christmas Service. A pre-service recital will take place at 8:40. Reception to follow the 9a.m. service. This…

Swim Party!

Our Saviors has reserved the Spring Lake Park Swimming facility in North Mankato on Sunday, August 1st from 6:15 – 7:45pm. Come swim, socialize, or just relax around the pool. Bring the family, and your friends are welcome too! Pool entry is free of charge. Concessions will be available for purchase. 

Get Ready for Vacation Bible School!

Vacation Bible School is scheduled for August 2-6 from 6-8 pm. We’re looking forward to having a building full of kids learning about Jesus! We see some pretty amazing things these days, but nothing tops what God has done, and He did it all for us. Find out more information and register online here. Adults…

We had a Splashing Good Time at VBS!

We had a great time at VBS this past week! Thank you to all of the kids who attended, the volunteers who dedicated many hours to helping, and church staff for planning and coordinating the week. The kids will be singing several songs they learned over the course of the week at the beginning of…

Summer Education Hour

Just because it is summer does not mean we stop taking time in God’s Word! We invite kids to join us in the fellowship hall from 9:15 to 10:15 Sunday mornings (starting June 10th) for H2Oh! – a special series that reminds us of how God keeps his promises. The youth are invited to join…

Children’s Christmas Program Video

“I bring good new to you—wonderful, joyous news for all people.” (Luke 2:10) The kids did a great job telling the good news of Jesus’ birth last Saturday at their annual recital and Christmas program. Here is a video of both the recital and program, with the program beginning at about minute 16. Please share…

Children’s Christmas Program

Our children have “Good News to Tell” at this year’s Children’s Christmas Service. They will share how Jesus came from heaven above to earth in love. The service is at 4:30pm on Saturday, December 16. A preservice music recital by OSLC kids will begin around 4pm, and refreshments will be serve afterward. Hope you can…

Children’s Christmas Program Rehearsal

Our children have “Good News to Tell” at this year’s Children’s Christmas Service. They will share how Jesus came from heaven above to earth in love. The service is at 4:30pm on Saturday, December 16. Practice begins tomorrow from 10-11:30am for kids in grades 1-5. Hope you can join us!

Fall Festival on Friday

Please join us this Friday night beginning at 6pm for our annual Fall Festival! There will supper, games, crafts, and other fun activities. We will top off the evening at around 7pm with the ever-popular trunk or treating. It is always a fun night for all ages. Costumes are encouraged, and friends are always welcome!

Come see the Moondogs!

Take me out to the Ball Game! Our Savior’s invites you to a night of fellowship on Sunday, July 16th at 6:05 pm for the Moondogs Game. 20 tickets are already pre-purchased and are only $6/ticket. Stop by the narthex this Sunday or drop by the church office this week to get in on the action…

Watch: Job

Everyone enjoyed watching and being a part of this skit!  Click on the link below to watch a re-enactment of the story of Job from the Blue Ribbon Bible Club (Summer Wednesdays).

Blue Ribbon Bible Club is Back!

Opening Night at the Blue Ribbon Bible Club is this Wednesday at 6:00pm. Kids and adults are invited to come together for an interactive learning environment. Bring your kids or the neighbor kids or just come yourself as we do a favorite story, Zacchaeus. There’ll be music, skit, craft, snack, and more!

Family Fun Night

We had a great time last night eating, crafting, playing games, throwing paper airplanes, and generally having fun! Thank you to everyone who participated, and especially those who helped make it happen. We look forward to seeing you at the next family event!

Blue Ribbon Bible Club - Jesus Heals the Centurion's Servant

Family Night

Join us this Friday evening from 6:00-7:30pm for a family night full of crafts, games, food, and friends. No need to cook supper—come for a yummy baked potato bar. We’ll be sharing God’s love by making Valentine’s for some of our Senior members. Everyone is welcome!

Children’s Christmas Program

The kids did a great job this past Saturday sharing the story of Christmas. The theme this year surrounded the Old Testament concept of the jubilee year as it describes Christ’s coming. If you missed the program, it will be broadcast on area public access channels Tuesday night at 9:30 pm. It will also be available…

Children’s Christmas Program

We are looking forward to the Children’s Christmas Program this year, which will be Saturday, December 17th at 4:30 pm. The theme of the program is Christmas Jubilee, and there will be a musical prelude by the kids starting at 4pm. Practice will be held the next two Saturdays from 10 – 11:30 am. We…

100 Fall Festival Pictures

Last Friday was our annual Fall Festival, held the last Friday in October. There were lots of activities for kids, including crafts, games, pizza, trunk-or-treat, and a photo booth. Watch this short video to see some of the costumes and characters we enjoyed having at our fall festival this year! As you can see, some adults…

Fall Festival – tomorrow!

Please join us tomorrow night beginning at 6pm for our annual Fall Festival! There will pizza, games, crafts, and we will top off the evening with the ever-popular trunk or treating. It is always a fun night for all ages. Costumes are encouraged, and friends are always welcome!

Operation Christmas Child Packing Party

We invite you to join us at 11:30am on November 13th to pack the supplies that were donated for our fall Sunday School mission project. We will start with lunch and then pack shoeboxes to send around the world to those in need. This is a fun opportunity to do a hands-on mission project with…

Fall Festival – save the date!

The annual Fall Festival is scheduled for Friday October 28 at 6:00 pm. Join us for pizza, games, crafts, and trunk or treating. It is always a fun night for all ages. Costumes are encouraged, and friends are always welcome! If you can help run a station or provide a trunk, contact Lisa Brand.

Education Sunday is *this* Sunday!

Education is this Sunday, September 11th! We invite everyone to join us in the Sanctuary at 9:15am. We have some exciting new things to mention like the toddler and parent room. After the opening Pastor Matheny will meet with the high school students, Deaconess Lisa will lead the Jr High class, and Pastor Lauer will start…

School is Almost Here!

It is just a few short weeks until school starts again, and along with that comes the start of a new music and education season at Our Saviors! This year we have some exciting new plans, so be watching for more details to come. Here is the new Wednesday night schedule, starting September 7th. 5:00…

VBS Open House

Thank you to everyone who attended the VBS open house tonight. The kids enjoyed showing their families their classrooms and all that they have done this week. After some singing and a skit on the prodigal son, there were activities including alka-seltzer powered rockets, wool felting, and a hay bale maze. Much fun was had…

VBS, Day 4

We had a great last full night of VBS tonight. The kids studied Jesus appearing to Mary in the garden. It was great to share the joy of the Resurrection with the kids. Don’t forget about the open house tomorrow night! Come and hear some songs the kids have been learning, enjoy a skit, try out the hay bale maze, and more fun! The open…

VBS, Day 3

Last night the kids learned about Jesus’ parable of the sower. They learned that this parable teaches us about how God cares for us by sending His word. It was a great night! Please join us for the last regular VBS night tonight at 6pm, with a supper including hot dogs being served at 5pm.…

VBS, Day Two

It was another great evening of songs, Bible stories, crafts (piggie banks!), and games. We are thankful for all of those who joined us, and we invite everyone to come tomorrow night! A special thank you to all of the volunteers who make these special nights possible. Supper is served at 5pm (pasta and spaghetti…

VBS 2015


Today is the first day of VBS 2016!  Come tonight at 5 p.m. for dinner, 5:30 p.m. for handbells, and 6 p.m. for VBS.  Invite your friends, family, and neighbors to come along!  Volunteers, don’t forget to grab your red shirt and come a little early tonight!  Thanks to everyone who came to the Volunteer Training sessions. …