We live to make Christ known.

Announcements (Page 2)

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A Collection of Pandemic Thoughts from Pastor Lauer

How we May Look to Future Generations I remember a man who grew up in Weimar Germany – the period between the Word Wars when Germany was a political and economical disaster. His wife had also come to America from impoverished Europe. The experiences of their youth changed their lives forever. He loved the seclusion and of Northern Minnesota. She loved the…

Your Easter Options

On Easter Sunday, a worship video from a previous year with classic pipe organ, rousing hymns, all the flowers, and of course the Easter Gospel read and preached will be posted here on our website. The same video will be shown on Easter Sunday on local access channel KTV (Charter/Spectrum channel 181 or Consolidated Communications channel 7 (digital 507) at 9:30 a.m.…

Sunday Radio Sermon

For those who are new to our website, each week we post our Sunday radio broadcast to this site where KTOE radio picks it up for their broadcast. Go to “Sermons and Devotions” and you can’t find it there every Sunday. Today, you can just CLICK HERE to be taken right to it. The radio sermon doesn’t always match the sermon in…

Fall Backpacking Trip

Looking to get away? Our annual fall backpacking trip is scheduled for September 14-16 (leaving early on Friday and returning Sunday). We will be hiking a portion of the beautiful Superior Hiking Trail that runs from Duluth to Canada along Lake Superior. Some camping experience is helpful, but no specific backpacking experience necessary. Don’t worry…

Music Group Opportunities

Can you believe it is less than four weeks until school starts up again? That means it is time to start thinking about getting the music groups back together! This fall there are a variety of opportunities for you to get involved in praising our God through music. Kids Ring – Handbells for 3rd grade…

Holy Week Worship Schedule

We invite you to join us for worship during the upcoming Holy Week. Worship times are as follows: Palm Sunday, March 25th: 8am & 10:30am Maundy Thursday, March 29th: 1:30pm & 6:30pm Good Friday, March 30th: 1:30pm & 6:30pm Easter Vigil, Saturday, March 31st: 8pm Easter Sunday, April 1st: Sunrise Service at 6am Easter celebration at 8am & 10:30am…

Lenten Worship Schedule

We invite you to join us for Lenten worship services at 1:30 pm and 6:30 pm each Wednesday in Lent. A meal is served beginning at 5:15 pm so you can skip having to prepare supper!

Book Club

The weekly book club meets Sundays at 4:30 pm. We are currently reading and discussing Harper Lee’s classic To Kill a Mockingbird. We invite everyone to attend!

Chili Cook-off

The 7th Annual Chili Cook-off is this Sunday, January 21st, right after the annual Voters’ Meeting (about 12:30pm). Make your way to the Fireplace room to test and cast your vote for your favorite chili in the mild, hot, and non-traditional categories. Grilled Cheese Sandwiches and Ice Cream Sundaes will also be served. If you…

New Year’s Weekend

We invite you to worship with us this New Year’s weekend. We will have regular Saturday evening and Sunday morning worship services, but there will not be Sunday School for children between services. Then we will gather at 6:30 pm for our New Year’s Eve worship service. Come get the new year off on the…

Christmas Service Schedule

We invite you to join us this weekend to celebrate the birth of our Savior. Services are at the following times: Christmas Eve, Sunday, December 24th: Service of Christmas Lessons and Carols 5 & 7 p.m. (with preservice music about 30 minutes before services) Christmas Candlelight Service with Holy Communion 10 p.m. Traditional Christmas Day Worship…

Children’s Christmas Program

Our children have “Good News to Tell” at this year’s Children’s Christmas Service. They will share how Jesus came from heaven above to earth in love. The service is at 4:30pm on Saturday, December 16. A preservice music recital by OSLC kids will begin around 4pm, and refreshments will be serve afterward. Hope you can…

Advent Worship

During Advent we remember that God promised to rescue his people from death and we also anticipate that Jesus is coming again. Please join us for Advent Worship on Wednesdays at 1:30 pm and 6:30 pm. An informal coffee/fellowship hour follows the afternoon service and supper is served from 5:15 to 6:15 pm before the evening service.

Shoebox Party This Sunday!

This Sunday is the Operation Christmas Child Packing and Pizza Party! Come be a missionary for a day and join the fun! We’ll start with a pizza lunch and Christmas cookies following the 10:30 service. Then the packing will begin. We’ll conclude with a parting prayer for the boxes, that God would bless the children…

Reformation Day

We will be celebrating Reformation Day this Sunday with some fun activities and a bunch of great music (choir, bells, brass, kids – you get the picture!). Kids in grades 1-5 will be singing at the beginning of the 10:30am service, and all Sunday School kids will have a special event during Sunday School beginning at 9:15am. We’d love to have you…

Organ Project

Our congregation has been blessed with a beautiful pipe organ as well as talented organists to play it to help enhance our worship. It has been many years since the organ has been serviced, so it is in need of some work. As we plan for the work, we ask you to prayerfully consider if…

Johanna Heidorn

“Thank You!” to all who supported Johanna Heidorn who will be going to support LCMS Missionaries in Asia.  Johanna will be photographing and writing about the work of Synod and career missionaries from her base in Hong Kong and by traveling to where the work is being done. We hope to stay in touch with…

Hey Adventurers!

Our annual fall backpacking trip is scheduled for October 19-22 (leaving early on Thursday and returning Sunday afternoon). We will be hiking a portion of the beautiful Superior Hiking Trail that runs from Duluth to Canada along Lake Superior. Some camping experience is helpful, but no specific backpacking experience necessary. Don’t worry if you don’t…

Exciting Times

Sunday School Classes for Toddler Age on up through adults reboot this Sunday! Parents, please plan to have your kids gather in the sanctuary at 9:15am to meet your new teachers find your new room. Youth will meet in the youth room, and adults in the fellowship hall. The 3rd graders will also be receiving their own Faith Alive Student Bible at…

Education Sunday September 10

Sunday School Classes will begin afresh for Toddler Age on up through adults in less than 2 weeks! Parents, please plan to have your kids gather in the sanctuary at 9:15am to meet your new teachers find your new room. The 3rd graders will also be receiving their own Faith Alive Student Bible at the…

Lenten & Holy Week Worship Schedule

We invite you to join us for worship during the upcoming Holy Week. Worship times are as follows: Palm Sunday, April 9th, 8:00 and 10:30 a.m. (Rite of Confirmation during the 10:30 service) Maundy Thursday Worship with Holy Communion Thursday, April 13th at 1:30 and 6:30 p.m. Good Friday Tenebrae Worship Friday, April 14th at…

Easter Garden

Help the youth beautify the sanctuary Easter morning with the Annual Easter Garden! Flowers available for sale are:  Easter Lily, Cyclamen, Gerber Daisy, Tulip, Daffodil. See the table in the narthex for the order form. You may drop your order form and payment in the locked box, or bring to the church office during office…

Education Hour

After a brief break for Christmas and New Years, education hour is back in full swing this Sunday from 9:15 to 10:15. Sunday school will be meeting in their usual classrooms, and adult Bible study meets as well. If you have not been attending, now is a great time to jump in. Don’t forget to…

Christmas Service Schedule

We invite you to join us this weekend to celebrate the birth of our Savior. Services are at the following times: Christmas Eve, Saturday, December 24th: Service of Christmas Lessons and Carols 5 & 7 p.m. Christmas Candlelight Service with Holy Communion 10 p.m. Traditional Christmas Day Worship with Holy Communion Sunday, December 25th at 9…

Children’s Christmas Program Rehearsal

Due to anticipated weather conditions we will not have rehearsal for the Children’s Christmas Service on Saturday morning. We are still planning to have the service Saturday evening at 4:30 pm. Please use your own judgement when deciding if you will come. If you do, bundle up, drive safe, and plan to have your children…

Advent Worship

During Advent we remember that God promised to rescue his people from death and we also anticipate that Jesus is coming again. Please join us for Advent Worship on Wednesdays at 1:30 pm and 6:30 pm. An informal coffee/fellowship hour follows the afternoon service and supper is served from 5:00 to 6:15 pm before the evening service.

Fall Cleanup

Do you smell that special “fall smell” in the air? See the leaves changing and beginning to drop? That means it is time for the great fall cleanup! It is the time of year that we get a group of volunteers together for a few hours to rake leaves, trim bushes, and do general cleanup…

School is Almost Here!

It is just a few short weeks until school starts again, and along with that comes the start of a new music and education season at Our Saviors! This year we have some exciting new plans, so be watching for more details to come. Here is the new Wednesday night schedule, starting September 7th. 5:00…

Free Straw Bales

Anyone looking for a straw bale for mulch or decoration? We have a few left from the VBS hay bale maze, and they are free for the taking while they last! Pick them up from the north parking lot.

VBS Carnival 2015

Church Picnic This Sunday!

ATTENTION EVERYONE!  This Sunday, June 12th, is the annual church picnic!  Gather across the street at Franklin Elementary after the 10:30 service for chicken, coleslaw, potato salad, buns, and desserts.  Bring your favorite yard game to share and come have some fun with fellow church members.

Blue Ribbon Bible Club Work Time

Everyone is invited to help get ready for Blue Ribbon Bible Club after the Church Picnic on June 12th, about 1:30 pm.  There will be crafts to prep, fair booths to make, a stage to set up, and a variety of other tasks.  Come back on Wednesdays beginning June 15th to help with, or participate in,…

Call Service Live Stream

We were excited this past week to learn that we have been assigned a new graduate pastor from Concordia Seminary in St. Louis, Missouri. Join us Tuesday, May 26th as we live stream the service from St. Louis During this service we will celebrate the assignments of all the new pastors, and will learn the name…

Give Blood!

Give blood! Our Savior’s is hosting an American Red Cross Blood Drive on Friday, May 20 from noon – 5pm. Sign up now on-line, http://www.redcross.org/give-blood.

Lenten Worship

We welcome you to join us for Lenten worship services as we reflect on the life and suffering of Jesus in preparation for Easter. Services are held at 1:30pm and 6:30pm. Join us after the 1:30 service for fellowship in the Fireplace Room. Supper is also served from 5:15 to 6:15 before the evening service…