We live to make Christ known.


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2025 Our Savior’s Spring Women’s Retreat

Ladies, mark your calendars for March 14th &15th for a Spring Women’s Retreat! This year we are inviting Mrs. Kristen Einertson to be our keynote speaker, on the theme In the Beauty of Holiness. Einertson is known for her work over at the website All The Household, dedicated to restoring liturgical traditions in the home and thus centering the household around the…

New Year’s Eve Service

Join us on New Year’s Eve at 6:30pm for the New Year’s Eve service. Eternal God, we commit to Your mercy and forgiveness the year now ending and commend to Your blessing and love the times yet to come. In the new year, abide among us with Your Holy Spirit that we may always trust in the saving name of our Lord…

Christmas Eve and Day Services

O God, You make this most holy night to shine with the brightness of the true Light. Grant that as we have known the mysteries of that Light on earth we may also come to the fullness of His joys in heaven; through the same Jesus Christ, Your Son, our Lord, who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one…

Children’s Christmas Service

“The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.” John 1:5 Join us Sunday, December 22nd, at 9 a.m. as we gaze upon the True Light, lying in a manger, in this year’s Children’s Christmas Service. A pre-service recital will take place at 8:40. Reception to follow the 9a.m. service. This…

Thanksgiving Worship

Begin your Thanksgiving celebration in worship! Thanksgiving Eve: Wednesday, November 24th 6:30pm Thanksgiving Day: Thursday, November 25th 9am I will give thanks to the Lord because of his righteousness; I will sing the praises of the name of the Lord Most High. Psalm 7:17

Annual Dinner this Sunday

Join us for the much anticipated Annual Dinner this Sunday at 11:30am in the Fellowship Hall. There will be turkey, mashed potatoes, green beans, cranberry sauce, plus dessert. The youth will be helping to prepare and serve the dinner, and a free-will offering will be taken to help support their activities and trip to the…

Come Play in the Leaves!

Tomorrow, Saturday November 6th, at 3:30pm, we will meet at Our Savior’s for fall cleanup! We have a variety of projects, from raking and painting at church, to gutter cleaning and fall cleanup at Pastor Matheny and Pastor Kitzmann’s homes. Bring your work gloves and your rakes. Chili and cornbread will be served after, with…

Hurricane Ida Relief Trip Recap

Our disaster relief team has returned from helping cleanup after Hurricane Ida in the greater New Orleans area. Thank you to all who generously donated money to make the trip possible. In addition to funding the trip, these dollars were also used to purchase food, tools, and materials for those in need. One of our…

Congregational Planning Session

Monday, September 20th is our first congregational planning session. We will share a meal together (Pastor Matheny will be your chef for the evening!) starting at 5:30. Childcare and transportation will be provided to allow as much participation as possible. At 6:30 we will think together about how God has specifically blessed us here at…

New Member Welcome

A new member welcome will be included in the Wednesday night meal on September 15th. Recent events have made it harder to get to know the new faces in our church family. New members from 2019-present will be specially invited to that meal. We hope you can come and get to know them!

Education Sunday

Education Sunday is coming up on September 12th! This is the day we take a moment to reflect on the importance of Christian Education for all ages. Sunday School classes will begin for the new year, and Pastor Matheny will be leading a special study on the importance of God’s Word. If you haven’t been…

Handbell Choirs

Calling anyone interested in ringing handbells! We are excited to announce two handbell groups this coming year. The first group is an Introductory Bell group geared for anyone 3rd grade through age 99+ (families welcome!) who would like to learn the basics of music and ringing. This group will meet at 5:15 p.m. Wednesdays beginning…

TSNT and National Youth Gathering Meeting

Youth of Our Savior’s! We’ll meet for TSNT Sunday from 6:30 – 8pm in the Fireplace room. We’ll also include time for LCMS National Youth Gathering information. We will be gathering feedback and answering questions. The Youth Gathering “In All Things” is July 9–13, 2022, in Houston, Texas. All youth, who will be age 14,…

Vacation Bible School is Next Week!

Vacation Bible School is coming up next week, August 2-6 from 6-8 pm! We’re looking forward to having a building full of kids learning about Jesus, and there is room for you to join us! We see some pretty amazing things these days, but nothing tops what God has done, and He did it all…

Swim Party!

Our Saviors has reserved the Spring Lake Park Swimming facility in North Mankato on Sunday, August 1st from 6:15 – 7:45pm. Come swim, socialize, or just relax around the pool. Bring the family, and your friends are welcome too! Pool entry is free of charge. Concessions will be available for purchase. 

Sock Drive

Sock Drive this month! Socks are the number one item requested at homeless shelters and care facilities. Please bring in new men’s, women’s, or unisex socks and put them in the tub in the Narthex. They will be included in healthcare kits and distributed locally. Thank you so much!

Church Picnic

Join us this Sunday, June 13th, right after the 10:30 service for our Annual Picnic across the street at Franklin School yard. Food is provided, just bring your lawn chair or blanket (some tables and chairs will be set up.) After we enjoy a meal of fried chicken, hot dogs, and sides, we’ll be playing…

Summer Sunday School

Summer Sunday School begins Sunday! Kids will be Discovering Our Triune God through stories related to the Apostles’ Creed. We will need to continue our 2 adult rule throughout summer. Would you be willing to hang out with a class for an hour once or twice this summer. We want to make it easier for parents…

Sunday Morning Brunch

Everyone is invited to a full spread of breakfast favorites this Sunday in support of our Confirmation and Sunday School students. Many have been missing our food and fellowship activities, so now is your chance to come! Food will be served in the Fireplace Room for the hour between the worship services.

Missionary Visit

This Sunday we welcome Johanna Heidorn, who serves as a missionary throughout the Latin America and Caribbean region as a photographer, designer, and communication outreach specialist. Hear about her work with the LCMS during the Bible Study hour between services. We will receive a door offering at both morning services to financially support her mission…

Ascension Day Service

Ascension Day is the coronation celebration of our Lord as He is proclaimed to be King of the universe. While His ascension shows his existence beyond the confines of time and space, we are reminded that He is also present with us today. We invite you to join our brothers and sisters at Good Shepherd…

Mankato Spring Cleanup

Need help getting your trash to the city cleanup depot? If this coming weekend is your assigned days to bring trash to the Mankato city cleanup, but you have no way to get the big carpet or chair out of the basement, please give Our Savior’s Helping Hands an opportunity to help you! Call Judy…

Spring Cleanup

With restrictions in place last fall, we did not get to do our annual church property cleanup. But never fear – we can just do it this spring! If you are able, please join us this Sunday, April 25th, at 11:30am to rake, pick up sticks, trim shrubs, and other general cleanup around the church…

Disaster Relief Volunteer Training

​As we look forward to helping more directly in our community both near and far, Disaster Relief Volunteer Training will be held this Sunday from 6:30-8 pm at Our Savior’s in the Fireplace Room. We will talk about some important things such as the “rules” of working together, the theological framework of mercy work, and…

Red Cross Blood Drive

Our Savior’s is hosting a blood drive on Monday, May 3rd from noon – 5pm.  To schedule your appointment, go to: www.redcrossblood.org, or the Blood Donor app on your mobile device, sponsor code: oslcmankato to schedule an appointment. The need is constant.  Save a Life – Donate Blood!

Holy Week Worship

We invite you to join us for worship during the upcoming Holy Week. Worship times are as follows: Palm Sunday, March 28th: 8am & 10:30am Maundy Thursday, April 1st: 1:30pm & 6:30pm Good Friday, April 2nd: 1:30pm & 6:30pm Easter Vigil, Saturday, April 3rd: 8pm Easter Sunday, April 4th: Sunrise Service at 6am; Easter celebration at 8am & 10:30am…

Bible Drive!

During the months of March and April we are collecting unused Bibles and devotional books. Any condition and English translation is fine. All Bibles will be sent to our Christian brothers and sisters overseas. We have a goal of collecting 100 Bibles (and as many devotionals), but let’s see if we can find even more!…

Survey Link

As discussed in church this morning and in the letter you will be receiving, following is the link to the congregational survey. Again, we encourage everyone to take the survey to make sure all voices are heard! CADDS Survey

Worship Audio/Video

Do you have an interest in audio or video production? We are looking for volunteers to help with the audio and video systems during worship, including the live streamed video. Prerequisites are an interest in A/V production, a willingness to learn, and dependability. The time commitment is one worship service per month (more if interested!)…

Hymnals in Church

As you are aware if you have been worshiping with us in person, our hymnals have not been available for use due to concerns over the spread of the COVID virus. The Lutheran Service Book (our hymnal) is a fantastic resource, and many have been anxious for its return. We have good news! The Board…

Disaster Relief Volunteers Needed!

If you have the heart of Christ to help people in distress, please prayerfully consider joining in an effort to form a pool of trained volunteers based here at Our Saviors that would be ready to respond to disaster sites (near and far.) An equipment trailer has been purchased and will be outfitted this spring.…

Painting Party!

As you may know, we had significant damage last year to our basement due to flooding. The Board of Trustees has been working tirelessly to make repairs so we can again utilize this space. They are requesting volunteers help paint this Saturday starting at 8am. No need to bring anything, unless you have a favorite brush! The rear (east) entrance will be…

Christmas Week Worship

We invite you to join us for worship services this week as we wait for and celebrate the birth of Jesus, our Savior. Regular Worship: Sunday, December 20, at 8am & 10:30am and Wednesday, December 23, at 1:30pm Christmas Eve: Service of Readings and Carols at 5pm & 7pm Christmas Day: Traditional Christmas Worship with…

Returning to Small Groups in the Church

The agreement between “Houses of Worship” and the State Governor allows for churches to resume holding meetings, small group Bible Studies, and other small group activities indoors. We are asking each group to decide from among their participants if and when they would like to meet again. Then call the church office so that we can reserve appropriate safe space. Other spaces…

Indoor Worship Guidelines

By agreement of the Minnesota South District President and the Governor of Minnesota, indoor worship is now allowed to the those congregations which have a written plan to avoid exposure to the Corona-19 virus which follows certain requirements and recommendations. Below is an overview of our plan so that members can decide which service they wish to attend and what they can…

Regarding KTV Video Worship

We have heard from KTV, which broadcasts our worship video on local cable TV services through Spectrum and Consolidated, that they are having trouble with their computer which plays services after hours. They are aware that our broadcast sometimes does not show on Tuesday evenings and they are working on the problem. The Wednesday 2pm airings should still be working. They apologize…

Special Pandemic Volunteers Needed

Learn to run the FM broadcast for our parking lot services. Learn how to find, edit, process, and upload past worship services. You’d need a top end computer and fast internet. Learn how to post announcements, devotions, worship services and the like to our website and Facebook page. Others can provide the content. It’s the tech-savvy that is needed. A willingness to…