We live to make Christ known.

Cancer Companions

We offer support for those who have or are going through cancer treatment and their loved ones. Meet one-on-one for devotions and discussion.  For one-on-one meetings contact one of our pastors.

Grief Ministry

Feel free to grab some CareNotes for yourself or others. They are at the bend in the hallway across from the courtyard. We also offer periodic discussion groups with Biblical support. If you can’t make a group or would like to review the material on your own or with a friend, you can check out the sessions below.

Session 1
Session 2
Session 3
Session 4
Session 5
Session 6
Session 7
Session 8

Prayer Shawl Ministry

If you know someone who could use the comfort of a prayer shawl or you would like to make one, please contact Nancy Clausen at 345-3063.

Shut-in Ministry

If you or a family member is homebound, let us know. A pastor can visit the home and bring Holy Communion. The LWML also sends monthly cards to offer encouragement and to keep in touch.

Ministry to the Sick and Injured

If you are going in for surgery, or in the hospital for any reason, let us know. We would be glad to visit you. You can request prayers for during worship and/or through the prayer chain. If you go somewhere for rehabilitation you can let us know that as well.