We live to make Christ known.

April Events Cancelled

All services and activities, other than those described below, are cancelled for the entire month of April. The Church Council will announce plans for May at a later date as circumstances change.

Pastoral Care Walk-In Hours

Wednesday: 9-11 a.m.
Thursday: Noon to 2 p.m.
Friday: 1-3 p.m.
Saturday: 1:30-2pm for individuals 
    with Holy Communion at 2 p.m.
Sunday: Small group services with 
    Holy Communion at 8:30 and 9:30 a.m.
    See special information about Easter Sunday Below

Call for Specialized Pastoral Care

Both Pastors and the Deaconess are available to provide individual pastoral care as we always have. We are not permitted to visit in the hospital or nursing homes except for those who are nearing death, but we are ready to do so when needed. We can also speak with you on the phone or visit at the church or in homes. Please remember that our usual channels of information aren’t available, but all you need to do is call Pastor Lauer at 507-385-2184 any time day or night and your call will go directly to his cell phone.

Website Worship

We will continue publishing prerecorded worship services for each Sunday available to view on our website and through KCTV. Starting Palm Sunday, we will be editing-in fresh sermons to the services from the previous year.

Easter Sunday

Join us Easter Sunday, April 12th, for Drive-In services at 8:00 and 10:30 a.m. Pull into the parking lot of Franklin Elementary (across the street from the church) to get a bulletin. Keep your windows up for social distancing, and listen on your car radio. We’ll broadcast a full worship service with music, reading, liturgy, sermon, and prayers. Following the service, Holy Communion will be available in the church narthex for groups of up to 10 at a time until all who desire have been communed.

Palm Sunday “Practice Service”

A “practice service” prior to Easter will be conducted on Palm Sunday, April 5th, at 9:30 a.m. to help us work out any issues. You’re welcome to attend.