We live to make Christ known.

Pastoral Care and Small Group Worship

Pastor Matheny will be available on Thursday, March 19 in the chapel from 9 to 11 a.m. for individuals or small groups of no more than 10 at once to share in private confession, prayer, scripture reading, and the like. Please be prepared for some wait if there is significant interest in this. Child supervision in the nursery will be available at that time. Please use the North parking lot and handicapped entrance.

The same will be available on Friday, March 20 from 1 to 3 p.m. and on Saturday the 21st from 2-4 in the afternoon.

On Sunday, March 22nd Pastor Matheny will again be available but in the sanctuary to provide a brief service of Holy Communion to groups no larger than 10 at a time. This will be from 8-10 a.m. (longer if people are waiting). Participants will keep the recommended 6 foot distance at the communion rail.

Based on the result of these four days, we will determine if more or fewer hours are needed for the following week.