We live to make Christ known.

2025 Our Savior’s Spring Women’s Retreat

May be an image of 3 people and text that says 'Guest Guestspeaker speaker DR. KRISTEN EINERTSON of ofAlltheHousehold All the Household NYOTTV シパンサ/ Cha 高 SPRING WOMEN'S RETREAT "In the Beauty of Holiness" 14-15 March Our Savior Lutheran 2025 Church, Mankato, MN FRIDAY, MARCH 14TH 21+ SOCIAL EVENT 6:30-8:30 PM SATURDAY, MARCH 15TH LUNCH PROVIDED 9:00 AM-2:30 PM REGISTRATION FEE $25 PAID To THE CHURCH | SIGN UP ONLINE 1103 NORTH BROAD STREET ΜΑΝΚΑΤΌ, MN 56011'

Ladies, mark your calendars for March 14th &15th for a Spring Women’s Retreat! This year we are inviting Mrs. Kristen Einertson to be our keynote speaker, on the theme In the Beauty of Holiness. Einertson is known for her work over at the website All The Household, dedicated to restoring liturgical traditions in the home and thus centering the household around the Lord.

Kristen is the wife of Christian and the mother of three children. She hails from the Upper Midwest.

Kristen is a lifelong LCMS Lutheran, but it was only after she lived in Riga, Latvia, during her Fulbright fellowship in 2018-2019 that she became familiar with the many historic Lutheran liturgical traditions that are still celebrated all over the world.

Besides her love for theology, Kristen enjoys hiking, playing violin and pipe organ, traveling, and her work as a professor of rhetoric. She earned her Ph.D. in 2024 from the University of Minnesota. She and her family live in Farmington, Minnesota, where her husband serves as a pastor.

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May be an illustration of blueprint and text that says 'the Beauty of Holiness In Household the All the GUEST SPEAKER KRISTEN EINERTSON 14TH FRIDAY SOCIAL EVENT 6:30-8:30P.M. SATURDAY MARCH 15 RETREAT 9:00A.M.-2:30P.M. Spring Women's Retreat OUR SAVIOR LUTHERAN CHURCH MANKATO, MN'