We live to make Christ known.

Vacation Bible School Helpers

Title: VBS Helpers
Who: Anyone entering 7th Grade or older
When: 1-2 meetings before the week of VBS and as little as one evening of VBS or the entire week
Where: Church building
How Long: Up to a week
What: VBS at OSLC is a week-long program that shares the message of God’s love for us through song, story, and crafts. An in-house and outreach program that is designed to teach children and adults the love of Jesus Christ.

VBS begins with a carnival on Sunday.  The evening sessions run Monday – Thursday from 6 to 8 PM.

Helpers are needed to supervise students in both the preschool and elementary areas and to assist with crafts, music, snacks, and games.

Contact:  Lisa Brand, phone: 385-2185, e-mail: lisa@oslcmankato.org