We live to make Christ known.

Layette and Kit Materials

 Layette and Kit Materials
Who:  Anyone
When:  Anytime the building is open
Where:  Drop donations off in the Card Shop in the “Mission Service” box
How Long:  No committment
What:  Homeless Kits:  Toothpaste (any size), toothbrush, bars of soap (hotel size), shampoo (hotel size), combs, gently used wash cloths, hand towels and deodorants.

Baby Layettes:  Gently used t-shirts (no onesies), gowns or sleepers with no feet, sweaters, diaper pins and cloth diapers.

Contact:  Rhonda Rastedt or Marcella Eilders (through the church office, sue@oslcmankato.org or 507-385-2180)