Title: | Funeral Luncheon Service (and Clean Up) |
Who: | Church members with flexible schedules may request inclusion on the quarterly roster. |
When: | Day of funeral or memorial (time determined by family) |
Where: | Fellowship Hall and Kitchen |
How Long: | Length of day’s events determined by family; volunteer determines number of quarters. Quarters begin December 1, March 1, June 1, and September 1. |
What: | – Cut cakes or bars. – Plate catered food. – Keep Coffee and food supplied for family. – Clear tables after the luncheon. – Coordinate the dish washing with other volunteers, working the ‘dirty side’ or the ‘clean side.’ – Store the clean items in the designated areas. – Handwash the coffee pots, urns, and some utensils. – Honor the kitchen rules as established by the Kitchen Committee, especially leaving the kitchen clean and orderly. |
Contact: | |
Links: |