Title: |
Benevolence Fund |
Who: | Any donor in any amount |
When: | As desired |
Where: | Contributions should be made through the church office to ensure proper documentation. |
How Long: | As needed |
What: | Donations to the “benevolence fund” are used to meet the emergency needs of members and, on a limited basis, for the emergency needs of non-members in our community. The fund is not intended to provide subsidy or supplemental income. Rather, it can provide food, fuel, lodging, clothing and shoes, for those in emergency situations. Examples would include an unforeseen family crisis, fire or theft, a medical emergency, and the like. Distributions are made by the called staff with the approval of at least two Elders or Church Council members. |
Contact: | To contribute, mark your donation “benevolence fund” and place in the offering plate or deliver to the church office in person or by mail. |
Links: |